Our services

Welcome To Al Huriaz General Transport
Al Huraiz General Transport & AL Huraiz Passengers Transport by Rented Buses L.L.C is regarded as one of the oldest Transportation Company in Dubai. It was established in the year 1969 by Saif Mohammad Al Huraiz and Adib Aboul-Hosn with the total staff strength of 24 who were operating from a single room. However, it was in 1972 that Al Huraiz came into Dubai International Airport.
The Al Huraiz General Transport Company kept up its steady growth since its crew inception and has now become a large Transportation Company specialized in Staff and passengers transport Airside and Landside.
Al Huraiz Transport is deeply involved in transforming into a green operation, reducing carbon foot print, using sustainable energy sources, such as electricity with a target in front of us to fulfill Sh. Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Makhtoom H.E energy plan for Dubai International Airport.
Appreciation Certificates
The Al Huraiz General Transport Company kept up its steady growth since its crew inception and has now become a large Transportation Company specialized in Staff and passengers transport Airside and Landside.
Al Huraiz Transport is deeply involved in transforming into a green operation, reducing carbon foot print, using sustainable energy sources, such as electricity with a target in front of us to fulfill Sh. Hamdan Bin Mohammed Al Makhtoom H.E energy plan for Dubai International Airport.
Appreciation Certificates